We want to take a moment today to say thank you to each and everyone of you who has taken your time to LIKE our Facebook Page and to engage with us there as you have.
We are very appreciative that the pictures we share there, the content we share from this blog there and the giveaways we arranged in 2014 with wonderful partners like Century Furniture, Bernhardt Furniture, Gabby Decor and Jonathan Charles Furniture have resonated with you so much on
It takes a village for a blog to become an award winning blog and for a Facebook Page to reach 20,000 fans and you, dear readers, are what makes us all on the Hadley Court team endeavor to do our best for you.
To see our efforts with the blog rewarded with your attention and time with 20,000 LIKES on our Facebook Page is a very good feeling for all of us on the Hadley Court team: Leslie Hendrix Wood, interior designer and the founder and editor in chief of this blog, Leslie Carothers, the social media strategist for the Hadley Court brand and blog for the last 2 years, contributors Kim Darden Shaver [who did so much of the work on the giveaways and on the Facebook Page in 2014] and Lynda Quintero – Davids, who also runs the Hadley Court Pinterest Page at http://pinterest.com/HadleyCourt/, from which many of you pin.
As we begin 2015, and before we move into sharing even more with you about of all of the exciting and inspiring ideas about kitchens and baths from the National Kitchen and Bath Associations’s show that Leslie Hendrix Wood will be attending with 18 of her fellow designers, also wonderful bloggers, as part of Modenus’ #BlogTourVegas, we just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for engaging with us on Facebook to this extent and we wish each of you the very best year ahead in your own lives and your own businesses.
YOU are the BIGGEST part of why there is…
The Team At Hadley Court
and we are grateful.
Gracious Living. Timeless Design. Family Traditions.