The past few months have been a whirlwind for me. I finally feel like I can come up for air. My daughter, Amy, graduated from High School last week. I must say it is truly bittersweet. I will miss her so very much next year, yet I am so excited to see what great things that God has in store for her. Three days after she graduated, we left for Austin for orientation at the University of Texas. This is the first day I have had to truly process all that has transpired. I remember back to all the dance lessons and soccer and volleyball games. I never wanted each stage to end. Yet with each new year I found more and more to love about my daughter. It was truly a blessing to watch her grow into the beautiful young woman she is today.
Through the years, I have prayed for many things for Amy. I have prayed for kind friends, for her to make wise choices, good teachers and good health, to name a few. Really the list of prayers I have prayed through the years is endless. Years ago, a dear friend shared with me to pray that your child has a teachable heart. After 18 years of praying for Amy, I believe that the most important prayer for a parent to pray for her child is that they have a teachable heart. Our children will make mistakes. The important thing is that our children have teachable hearts and will learn from their mistakes.
So, my dearest Amy, my forever prayer for you is to have a teachable heart. I pray that God will make you shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of his hand.