Now that November is here, dear Hadley Court readers, some of you may be inside on this chilly late fall/early winter day looking for something wonderful and interesting to inspire you and delight you.
So, we thought we’d share with you the links to the room reveals of all 20 bloggers [ + a few more ] who participated in Linda Weinstein’s very popular #OneRoomChallenge that she runs each Spring and Fall on her blog, Calling It Home.
Many more than 20 bloggers/designers participate — this year there were 177, but Linda hand selects 20 who receive products from her sponsors to use in their rooms. They have to complete their rooms in 6 weeks and document their process on their blogs. This year, her 20 were:
We’ve spent the day reading through the final room reveal posts of all 20 bloggers, and you will find links to each post at the end of this post, dear readers.
Below, though, you will find some pictures from these posts to whet your appetite for what can be done in 6 weeks!
Let’s start with the before and after room reveal of Cassie, a Texas based Mom of 2 and the author of the well known
Here’s Cassie’s *before* of her living room. Here’s Cassie’s *after*. Did you ever think one bookcase wall and a lot of wonderful color could make such a dramatic difference?
Cassie worked with professional interior designer, Kristin Jackson of The Hunted Interior, on this room.
Isn’t it fabulous?
Here’s Cassie in her beautiful and color -FULL new living room!
Don’t miss clicking on her post at the bottom of this post to see the rest of her dramatic room reveal for Linda’s #OneRoomChallenge.
Every *before and after* in the #OneRoomChallenge is so unique, beautiful and different, but since we only have space to show you three, this is the 2nd one we’d like to share.
It was designed and completed by Ontario, Canada based designer, Vanessa Francis, who pens the very popular Decor Happy blog.
The reason we liked Vanessa’s before and after is because it shows you so dramatically the difference beautiful floors and trim can make, in addition to the removal of popcorn ceilings and walls.
Here’s Vanessa’s *before* :
{ we loved how, in her post, she labeled each elevation}
Here’s Vanessa’s *after*:
Here’s a close up detail of the corner:
Are you noticing how the addition of the trim on the walls, her change of flooring and the scraping off of the popcorn on her ceiling gave her bedroom such glamourous appeal?
We love it. What do you think?
And let’s not even talk about that fabulous chair… read her post to see who it’s from-it may surprise you!
Lastly today, we’d like to share the fabulous before and after of one of the interior designers who wasn’t one of the official 20 bloggers, but who decided to participate in the challenge as one of the 177, and did a wonderful job: Linda Holt of Linda Holt Interiors in Boston, MA.
Here’s Linda’s *before* of her family room.
And here’s Linda’s *after*:
We love the fresh, bright, cheerful and happy look of Linda’s new family room.
The opening photo in this post is one of Linda’s own photographs of the lady’s head urn that she’s had for many years and re-used in her newly re-designed family room.
We think it’s so important to always keep treasured pieces you love, no matter what, as they are the anchors for our memories -especially in rooms full of new furniture, art and decorative items.
Here’s a close up detail of the campaign chest that Linda had re-finished.
This blue color, or a variation of it, was popular in almost all of the #OneRoomChallenge Fall 2015 before and after reveals – and we hope you, dear readers, will take the time to enjoy them all, in the links after this picture!
And one more image, just because we love it so.
This is the #OneRoomChallenge *AFTER* of our Dallas friend, Shay Geyer’s daughter’s bathroom. Shay was also one of the 177 that took up Linda’s challenge to get one room completed in 6 weeks, and she did a Kate Spade inspired makeover of her daughter’s bedroom and adjoining bathroom that is 100% adorable.
Take a peek at the entire reveal, by clicking here.
To all the bloggers that participated in Linda’s #OneRoomChallenge:
Thank you for inspiring us with your brilliant design ideas and we hope our readers enjoy seeing, reading and learning from all of you’ve shared in each and everyone of your posts!
Leslie Hendrix Wood
Leslie Hendrix Wood Interiors
Interior Designer
Midland, Texas
Founder, the Hadley Court blog
Gracious Living. Timeless Design. Family Traditions.
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