It has been frightfully cold out and I find myself ever thankful for a warm house, food and the comforts of home which in turn makes me think of those who are less fortunate. Throughout the year I see people with signs asking for help and I have found myself so many times wanting to help, but in this society of plastic, I must admit I rarely have cash on me. About a month ago a friend shared an idea on Facebook for what are called, “Blessing Bags” that you can keep in your car in just such an instant. To make them we just took gallon Ziplocs bags and filled them with: a bottle of water, a comb, trail mix, snack crackers, granola bars, travel size toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, soap and lotion, a pack of gum, chap stick, wet wipes and a note with some cash in it. Now we just keep them in our cars and can hand them over if the need arises. My husband stopped and handed one to a man last week to a look of shock and then gratitude as the man gazed at the contents. You can even just keep some envelopes in your glove box with a small amount of cash and a short note if you don’t want to worry with bulky bags. Today I hope you are motivated to plan for the unexpected that in turn sows seeds of goodness and love in others that you will never see grow into hardy vines bearing fruit. Count your blessings and be a small blessing to others for tis’ the season and happy Monday.