I had the great pleasure of seeing the new Mary McDonald Collection for Schumacher this week. Needless to say, the collection is stunning. Mary McDonald is the sultry decorator on the hit Bravo television program, “Million Dollar Decorator.” That aside, I find all of McDonald’s work to be spectacular, including her collection with Schumacher. I love McDonald’s bold use of patterns and her fearless approach to scale. She reinterprets classic design with a twist of graphic style.
This Chinoiserie woven linen print patterned after a Chinese painted silk mural is beyond stunning. The hand of the fabric is delectable. The big and bold print is grandly scaled. With a vertical repeat of 131.5 inches this fabric would be a great choice for curtains, duvets or wall upholstery.
Exquisite velvets and linen prints can be embellished with finely embroidered tapes and appliques. This collection will not disappoint and will add a sense of glamour and sophistication to any space.