Here is just a sampling of some of the packages I have wrapped for Christmas. I have an unhealthy fetish with paper and ribbon. I love making bows. Bows are a cinch to make with the E-Z Bow Maker. The bow maker comes with easy to understand instructions so anyone can make beautiful bows. The reason the bow maker works so well is because it holds down the center of the ribbon while you twist the ribbon. You really need three hands to make a pretty bow and the E-Z bow maker provides the third hand.
One of my most favorite shortcuts to Christmas is the Christmas chocolate chip cookies I give to friends from Nam-Bits. The cookies are fabulous and are packaged in jars with the ribbon and personalized label attached. They are a holiday tradition and my friends say that they look forward to receiving their cookies all year long.
Now that my presents are wrapped, I am on to cooking. I hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!