Not too long ago, a dear friend, called in a panic – part of our jobs as interior designers is to be good listeners – so I calmed her down and asked, “How can I help?!” It turns out, she couldn’t figure out between two backsplashes for her new kitchen. Easy solution. Right? If life were only that easy!
The more the conversation continued, the more we ran into other issues, that would HAVE to be taken care of before her kitchen renovation. In order to alleviate the stress behind these monumental moments in our home’s life, here are a few things to consider before starting your kitchen renovation project!
Courtesy of Total Catering Colchster’s Blog
Assess your perimeters. What is the current state of your kitchen like? Are all the wiring and plumbing up to date? Have there been renovations in the past by homeowners prior? In order to avoid heavy costs down the road, it’s important to get a handle on current states for limitations, and the like, in order to address what works needs to be done. Asking yourself: “Is this feasible at this point?”
While You Were Away
Courtesy of World Property Journal
The kitchen is one of the home’s most important room and a heavy-duty renovation may cause for it to be inaccessible from anywhere between 2-3 weeks plus, which means you’ll be eating out a lot, and/or may need to buy a mini-fridge, hot plate, and if you’re adamant about cooking at home.
The Trifecta
Courtesy of Cabinetry by Garber
Otherwise known as the “triangle of design” to all designers, these three destinations are an essential part of every kitchen: the sink, the refrigerator, and the stove. You will be going back-and-forth between these (alot!) individual sub-sections of your space, so access to outlets and proper plumbing is key.
Fashion or Function?
Courtesy of HGTV
Before diving into the fun part of the design (i.e materials, lighting, tiling, etc. ) it’s important to understand the usage of the space. Just like any room, the people are just as much a part of the equation as the furnishings. Questions to consider: Will this be an entertainment kitchen? Will strictly be for cooking only? Does the architecture allow for dining to be admitted into the space?
Courtesy of Marble Today
Now that we’ve got an idea as to the logistics comes the fun part! Color. The best place to begin is (ironically) the appliances. Finding appliances can be tricky, however, choosing them AFTER you’ve decided on a backsplash and cabinetry can prove to be a nightmare. Following the rule of three, these focal points will help guide the rest of the color palette, where you may choose to compliment or match with the selections you’ve made! Remember: the backsplash guides the room from corner to corner, an essential design element when tying a kitchen together.
Material World
Courtesy of Dary McMahon Door Knob as seen on Modern Masters Cafe
Like all things that speak to our own personal style, it’s the difference between marble, granite, or wood that will create the feel of the room, and inevitably, date it, in a way that adheres to particular periods and styles. A more wooden approach may feel more rustic, meanwhile, a marble countertop will modernize and elevate the space into a more luxe look. All beautiful approaches, it’s these minute details that will sway the vibe in one way or another.
Courtesy of SEED Design
Just like the shower beckons at all times of day/night – and you wouldn’t shower in the dark – the kitchen is no different! One of the rooms in the house with most foot traffic, the kitchen needs proper lighting that will allow for clear access to supplies, cutlery, pans, pots, plates etc. as well as serving as the icing on the cake as the finishing detail! Accent lighting will create a more traditional feel, while pendant lighting adds a pop of modern luxe with a twist! Let there be light!
Kitchen renovations are every homeowner’s pet project that brings tears of joy (and frustration) yet always resulting in one of the most accomplished of feelings. Once you have all your ducks in line – all factors considered – less stress equals more fun and the outcome: a true design dream.